Americans for Democratic Action has and will continue to be a forthright liberal voice of this nation. We work to...
MORE INFOBradley Angle is devoted to building communities that are free from domestic violence and oppression, where loving, compassionate, and equitable...
MORE INFOThe mission of Bread for the City is to provide residents of Washington, DC with services including food, clothing, medical...
MORE INFODoing Development Differently in Detroit (D4) is a diverse coalition of community, environmental, faith and organized labor organizations united to...
MORE INFOFamily Promise of Midland, TX assists families with children that are experiencing the crisis of homelessness, to become self-sufficient and...
MORE INFOFifth Avenue Committee, Inc. (FAC) is a community organization in South Brooklyn that advances economic and social justice by building...
MORE INFOGSS expands opportunities for low-income families and individuals by providing culturally relevant services that support community-building, advocacy, self-determination, and an...
MORE INFOHabitat for Humanity of Waldo County seeks to eliminate poverty housing in Waldo County by partnering with community members to...
MORE INFOEmergency basic needs assistance (rent/shelter, utility assistance, prescription assistance, eye exams and eyeglasses, transportation,children's school supplies clothing etc., budget and...
MORE INFOThe Jackson Hole Conservation Alliance works to protect the wildlife, wild places, and community character of Jackson Hole.
MORE INFOKentuckians For The Commonwealth is a community of people, inspired by a vision, building New Power and a better future...
MORE INFOKentucky Coalition is a social justice organization supporting leadership development, grassroots organizing and public policy advocacy in Kentucky, across the...
MORE INFOThrough the sustained engagement of low-income and working African American families, KOCO develops multi-generational leaders who affect decision-making processes and...
MORE INFOOur mission is to guarantee the welfare of our children by helping to create a model, strong, and vibrant Hispanic...
MORE INFOMPA brings Mainers together to work towards positive social change. We are known for our ability to do grassroots organizing...
MORE INFOMake the Road Action builds political power rooted in working class Latino communities and strengthens the movement for justice through...
MORE INFONew Mexico AIDS Services (NMAS) is a non-profit community based organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of life...
MORE INFONMLA helps low-income New Mexicans help themselves out of poverty by providing free civil legal services relating to housing, family...
MORE INFOOrchid Bloom is a nonprofit organization that serves at risk youth and young adults especially focusing on those with criminal...
MORE INFOPeople’s Action is a powerful new force for democracy and economic fairness. From family farms to big cities, from coast...
MORE INFOWe are a grassroots organization working to unite and empower communities in maryland to advance a progressive agenda throughout the...
MORE INFOProsperity Works powers social and economic opportunity through helping hard-working New Mexicans move from the margins of low income to...
MORE INFOOur mission is to provide a safe shelter for homeless LGBTQ+ youth in Pittsburgh. We will also provide emotional support...
MORE INFOResilience Rising combats the commercial sexual exploitation of children in the United States by providing a residential program for survivors...
MORE INFOSolar for All partners with affordable housing providers in Portland (Community Vision, Inc. and Proud Ground) and Medford (Rogue Valley...
MORE INFOTexas Homeless Network (THN), based in Austin, provides resources, training and technical assistance throughout the state on best practices to...